Frequently Asked Questions
Where are the classes held?
There are classes currently being held at Castle Hill, North Rocks and Newcastle.
My dog doesnt like other dogs? Can he still come to class?
Yes! The structure of the class is that only one dog runs at a time. Line of sight between dogs is also limited.
How long does each Class go for?
Classes usually go for 1.5hrs depending on the number of students in the class. The class term is usually 6 weeks, subject to building availability.
When do we start searching for target odour?
We introduce odour in the second block of 6 classes. Level 2 “Intro to odour”
What target odours do the dogs search for?
Primary (food or toy) Birch, Anise, Clove and Cyprus.
Do we have to compete and Trial?
No. Nose work is a a fun activity your dog will love no matter if you decide to trial or not. Trialling is not necessarily for every dog.
How many teams in a class?
There are up to 6 teams in a class. Only 1 dog runs at a time so it is important that your dog can be securely and safely left in your car between runs. A covered crate beside the car is recommended.
What does my dog do while he isnt searching?
Your dog needs to be able to safely and securely rest in a car or covered crate. Classes go for 1.5hrs and while your dog alternates with other dogs a large proportion of this time is spent resting, processing information and giving the handler a chance to learn from other teams.
Why do we start searching for food and/or toys?
It is really important that the dogs build up their skills before they start to search for target odours. Important for the handlers to build up their skills too! Your instructor will help you with this.